Note: Comet is still a little skittish around humans but he is doing better. We are not ready to send him home yet as we are keeping him with his sister Cookie in the hopes that his demeanor will help her become better socialized with people.

Comet came to the lounge with his sister Cookie and his mom, Eve. They were rescued after being dumped behind a store in Lawndale, CA. Rescuers were able to get these friendly cats to safety, and we are glad to have them here with us now. Comet is an all-brown tabby and has warmed up to us fairly quickly. He loves his mom and his sister and we would like to see the siblings stay together (or maybe you have room for three??).

Shy/timid/cautious? A little bit at first
Likes to be held? Not yet but might eventually 
Dog-friendly? Unknown
Ok with children? Possibly (will depend on the child and the parent(s) experience with cats)

  • Name: Comet
  • Gender: Male
  • Date of Birth: August 23, 2024
  • Arrival Date to Lounge: January 7, 2025