New Fabrics for Fall

posted in: Fundraising | 0

We have new fabric arriving today to celebrate Halloween, Dia de los Muertos, and the arrival of fall and sweater weather! If we have fabric leftover after making masks we’ll whip up some bow ties for cats too, so they … Continued

September Updates

posted in: Education | 0

We’ve been busy since the last update! Toby and Kelly stayed with us for a few weeks and in that time completely came out of their shells and gained some good weight too. After their spay/neuter surgeries they were each … Continued

Mask Improvements!

posted in: Fundraising | 0

Constantly tinkering, I know, but I like where the masks have landed recently. They have adjustable elastic ear loops now and a new piece to help them fit better over the nose. Essentially, they are like the plastic-coated metal coffee … Continued