As a nonprofit organization, we rely on donations to fund our mission. All donations are tax-deductible (tax ID 84-4170318). Donating in someone’s honor as a gift? Print out a gift enclosure to let them know!
For kitties rescued from the fire. Thank Melinda Nordeng for introducing me to Cassie's … Read more
For kitties rescued from the fire. Thank Melinda Nordeng for introducing me to Cassie's Cats.
In honor of Dan and Carolyn Cahn
In honor of Carolyn and Dan Cahn
Donation is a Christmas gift for Sharon (Sam) McKinney
To our favorite cat rescue who have saved so many amazing kitties and hopefully many more to come. All … Read more
To our favorite cat rescue who have saved so many amazing kitties and hopefully many more to come. All our love to Cassie’s Cats!
Thank you for for all of the wonderful work that you do!
in honor of Spice, Sizzle and Pepper being adopted
For Millie and her kitten and Vienna
Thank you for saving kitties from AVAS ❤️
Prefer Venmo? Our username is cassies-cats

We accept cash donations at the lounge and in-kind donations of wet and dry food, litter, cat toys that can be washed/sterilized, small fleece blankets (baby blanket size), and small beds that can be washed/sterilized. Dry food must be unopened. Toys, beds, and blankets should be in good to great condition.
We do not need towels, large blankets, sheets, large (dog-sized) beds, litter boxes, litter scoops, brushes, combs, collars, leashes, harnesses, or plastic food dishes. We suggest checking with VCAS in Camarillo, SPARC in Santa Paula, or HSVC in Ojai.
Out of an abundance of caution, we no longer accept used cat trees as we cannot fully disinfect them.
Thank you for your support!