It feels like we have a lot going on at the lounge beyond the regular business of visitors and adoptions! Chelcie was adopted today, Milan and Paloma go home tomorrow, and Mittens and Cami have an approved application! That is an excellent start to the month.
We’ve added an Events page to help guests find what’s happening more easily.
All month long we’re offering Valentines hearts again. For $5 you can get a 6″ paper heart to honor a cat you love. For $25 you can get two 6″ hearts plus a handmade heart-shaped pillow one of our supporters has made for us. All of the paper hearts will be displayed in our front windows for the month of February.

February 12th: feline-inspired Tarot readings from 12-3pm. Sign up here
February 19th: Yoga with Cats from 10:30am-12pm. Sign up here
March 11th: Yoga with Cats from 3-4:30pm. Sign up here
March 25th: Jigsaw Puzzle Tournament from 2:30-4:30pm. Sign up here