We will be hosting a pop-up shop fundraising event on Saturday, November 21, from 11 am – 3 pm. It will be an outdoor event, held on the driveway at 2593 Poli St., Ventura. Everything in our fundraising shop (toys, masks, jewelry, notecards) will be available plus a couple of new handmade cat beds, new knit catnip hearts, and some masks made up in new prints that haven’t been listed in our shop.
This is also a chance to come by and say hello and introduce yourself if you’re hoping to visit or volunteer in the future, and it’s a chance to learn more about the organization and our plans.
Masks and physical distancing will be required. Cash, checks, and credit/debit cards will all be accepted. Rain or heavy wind may cancel the event.
We hope to see you there! Details also on our Facebook page.