My brothers and I came to Cassie’s Cats from the Apple Valley shelter. We are your typical kittens – playful, friendly, rambunctious, and adorable!

You’ll be able to spot me by my big, curious eyes. I love to snuggle in my fuzzy beds and also on laps. Sometimes the bigger cats intimidate me a little bit so you might not see me playing if they’re playing too but I like to play like any normal kitten. Sometimes I sleep all stretched out with my belly up – I am a very trusting little guy!

We prefer that kittens go home in pairs or to homes with a young, playful, friendly cat already there. We also prefer homes without very young children when adopting very young kittens.

  • Name: Ravenpaw
  • Gender: Male
  • Date of Birth: January 24, 2024
  • Arrival Date to Lounge: May 8, 2024